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How To Care For Dental Implants

November 29, 2023
How To Care For Dental

Dental implants are excellent replacements for missing or damaged teeth. They can restore your chewing ability, your appearance, and your self-confidence.

Caring for dental implants is relatively easy. The implants usually require no more care than healthy natural teeth. Contrast this with the extensive care required for full and partial traditional dentures.

Why Get Dental Implants?

Dental implants can fully replace the function and appearance of natural teeth. They improve oral health by keeping natural teeth from shifting and becoming crossed and crowded, leading to tooth decay and gum disease. They improve your chewing function as well as your appearance. Implants can go a long way toward restoring your self-esteem.

Caring for Different Types of Dental Implants

Single-Tooth and Mini Dental Implants

These implants are easy to care for. Brush and floss them as you would natural teeth.

Implant-Supported Bridges

Implant-supported bridges are sturdier than their crown-supported counterparts. You will need to clean around them using interproximal brushes as well as performing regular brushing and flossing as Dr. Sreeni recommends.

Implant-Supported Dentures

Implant-supported dentures need specialized care, but it is less complicated than you would need to perform with traditional dentures. If your dentures are removable, take them out to clean them at least once a day. If you have fixed dentures, your dentist will remove and clean them annually. Ensure that you brush and floss as recommended to protect your dentures and gum health.

Always Keep All Dental Appointments

One of the most crucial parts of caring for dental implants is visiting your dentist or an oral surgeon regularly. The dentist will need to check whether your implants bond with your jawbone and whether they need any maintenance. In addition, you must keep your gums healthy and disease-free for the best results.

Good Candidates for Dental Implants

While dental implants are beneficial, not everyone can receive them immediately. People who are good candidates for implants share the following qualities:

  • Good overall health that allows a surgical procedure to take place
  • No uncontrolled diabetes, gum disease, or tooth decay
  • Non-smokers or willing to permanently quit because smoking interferes with blood flow to the jaw and impedes healing
  • Sufficient jawbone mass to support an implant. If you do not currently have enough jawbone mass, you can receive a bone graft beforehand.

Deciding to Get Implants

Implants represent an investment in your oral and overall health. If you are having difficulty deciding on implants, ask your dentist or oral surgeon how they can benefit you.

Call Dental Implant Center of Rockville

Having missing teeth can lower your confidence and cause oral health problems. If you want dental implants to replace missing or damaged teeth, don't wait to call us. The longer your tooth is missing, the more challenging it may be to place an implant. Dr. Sreeni and his expert team can show how dental implants will change your life. Call our Rockville, MD, office at 301-294-8700 for more implant information or to schedule a consultation.

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Dental Implant Center of Rockville OMFS-MD, P.A.
77 South Washington Street, Suite 205
Rockville, MD 20850
Fax: 301-294-9007
Monday | 8am - 4pm
Tuesday | 8am - 4pm
Wednesday | 8am - 4pm
Thursday | 8am - 4pm
Friday | 8am - 4pm
Saturday | 8am - 12pm

Twice a Month

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Dental Implant Center of Rockville OMFS-MD, P.A.

77 South Washington Street, Suite 205 Rockville, MD 20850
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